Thursday, August 31, 2017

Learn² Narrative Concept Art - Week 5

Some work for week 5 of the Narrative Concept Art course. Will revisit it later as some stuff came up while working on these. The point of these exercises was to copy the layers using blending modes and come up with ideas this way.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Learn² Narrative Concept Art - Week 4

Back with week 4 of the Learn Squared, Narrative Concept Art course. This week was all about trying out new methods for putting down ideas. 4 different methods had to be done each day, for every assignment I took 30 minutes.

Line vs Shape:
Creating shapes using flat opaque brushes and then using the Find Lines and Cutout filters to come up with linedrawings.

Transparency vs Opaque
Using soft edged brushes in conjunction with hard edges brushes to get a 'Focal Point'.

Flat vs Texture

Using textured brushes to come up with 'happy accidents' and create more of an indication of form.

Mixer vs Smudge

Using the mixer brush and the smudge tool to create shapes and form.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

3ds Max Mech Course

Skipping a week on the Narrative Concept Art schedule to brush up on my knowledge of 3ds Max. To do so I decided to buy this tutorial by Tim Bergholz, and so far it's been really helping to get me more comfortable with Max  (which is a rather annoying endeavor if you're used to Maya like myself)

Decided not to make use of the Maya controls in Max as they are very badly integrated and make some of Max's features unusable.